Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Todays Lesson.
After editing, using iPhoto. -
In todays lesson I began to create my double page spread, using the NME double page spread that I annotated as a guideline and for inspiration. I chose this picture because it was taken when the model was laughing and having fun during the shoot, this makes her seem a more normal teenager and more likable to the audience, which then means they will be able to relate to her as an artist. It contrasts nicely with the seriousness of the the picture of her on my front cover.
I chose the heading 'Zero to Hero', because during the article I am planning to discuss her inspirations, and one of them was from the moral of her favourite childhood film (as mentioned in the intertexuality) Hercules, which includes motivational songs such as 'Zero to Hero' and 'I can go the distance'. I chose Zero to Hero as the heading, because I thought it related perfectly with the artists story and double page spread, as she is an emerging artist who is suddenly becoming successful in the industry.
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FINAL front cover. |
After starting my double page spread, and choosing a shade of blue of the heading that matched the guitar and the headband in the picture, I made the editorial decision to then go back and edit my front cover text to the same colour, so that my magazine is coherent.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Todays Lesson
Today I have made some small adjustments to the size of my barcode in my front cover as it was too big. I also completed my intertextuality post.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Favourite film:
Hercules - Favourite childhood film, about achieving your dreams (e.g. the song 'I can go the distance'). Influenced and encouraged the artist to persevere in order to achieve in their music career.
Another non-disney favourite is Role models. But she cant resist a good horror film.
Favourite food:
Pizza - easy to eat, not too expensive, junk food.
Favourite band:
The Kooks
Favourite restaurant:
Favourite clothing brand/store:
River island
Favourite city in the world:
New York
Chilling either listening to music, or playing it.
Can play the drums and the guitar, but prefers the guitar.
Going out with her friends to live gigs.
She was continuously inspired by the artists who were able to almost swap genres in opportunities such as Radio 1's live lounge, for example an acoustic band would be able to perform an D'n'B song and completely make it their own and make it sound incredible and unique again. After Melinda had decided that a career in a band set up was not for her, she determined her own style and genre (indie/rock/acoustic) and practiced covering her favourite songs from other genres and peforming them in her style instead. Her favourite cover of hers to perform is 'The Prodigy - Take me to the hospital'. Her latest ispirations are Ed Sheeran, for his acoustic music that he has written himself, she also feels that she can relate to Ed Sheeran as he too had to work hard to achieve in his music career. Melinda now writes her own music and finds this very fulfilling.
Hercules - Favourite childhood film, about achieving your dreams (e.g. the song 'I can go the distance'). Influenced and encouraged the artist to persevere in order to achieve in their music career.
Another non-disney favourite is Role models. But she cant resist a good horror film.
Favourite food:
Pizza - easy to eat, not too expensive, junk food.
Favourite band:
The Kooks
Favourite restaurant:
Favourite clothing brand/store:
River island
Favourite city in the world:
New York
Chilling either listening to music, or playing it.
Can play the drums and the guitar, but prefers the guitar.
Going out with her friends to live gigs.
She was continuously inspired by the artists who were able to almost swap genres in opportunities such as Radio 1's live lounge, for example an acoustic band would be able to perform an D'n'B song and completely make it their own and make it sound incredible and unique again. After Melinda had decided that a career in a band set up was not for her, she determined her own style and genre (indie/rock/acoustic) and practiced covering her favourite songs from other genres and peforming them in her style instead. Her favourite cover of hers to perform is 'The Prodigy - Take me to the hospital'. Her latest ispirations are Ed Sheeran, for his acoustic music that he has written himself, she also feels that she can relate to Ed Sheeran as he too had to work hard to achieve in his music career. Melinda now writes her own music and finds this very fulfilling.
D.P.S planning for article
Why is the cover artist, 'Melinda', featuring in the double page spread?
What is the purpose of my double page spread?
- She's just released her debut album, 'Stepping out of the shadows' - promotion purposes.
- Popular at the moment - had a number 1 single 'Shadow Girl'.
- Produces indie/acoustic music - coherent with the genre of my music magazine (Indie/Rock), so will appeal to my target audience.
- She's 17 years old, which is an age that fits into my target audience, so readers will be able to relate to her.
What is the purpose of my double page spread?
- Inform readers of the release of her debut album, and also to inform any readers that haven't yet heard of her about who she is and her journey in the music career so far.
- Motivate and Encourage other teenagers (which would be my target audience) that if that have a dream they can achieve it and more, just like she has/is.
- Entertain with photos of the artist having fun behind the scenes of making her music video, also I may include a funny anecdote which could entertain the readers and allow them to have a clearer insight into her life and be able to relate to her as a 'normal teenager'.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Semantic Field
Indie Rock
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Creating an album cover.
In preparation for making my double page spread on my artist 'Melinda' that has been featured on my front cover, I have created an album cover for her debut album. I felt it was necessary that I did this because the point of the interview and the double page spread, as advertised on the front cover, was to promote and discuss her debut album.
5) To make the artist seem more well known, and then more realistic to have a double page spread, I made the editorial decision to add a 5 star rating from the NME on the album cover, and a reference to her NO.1 single. I also made the editorial decision to have the 'stars' as hearts instead as I thought that would link quite nicely with her signature font for her name, as it has a heart for the dot of the 'i'.
1) I chose a picture from one of my photo shoots that I wanted to use for the album cover.
2) I then cropped and edited this photo in iPhoto.
3) Next, I opened the edited photo in photoshop, and edited it further.
4) Then, using the same font and effects as I had chosen to use for the artists name on my front cover, I added the artists name in the centre of the cover, slightly nearer the bottom. I decided to place it here after I'd researched other album covers, and discovered this is roughly the layout they used.
I then decided to use the same font but smaller, and in a solid colour with less obvious effects for the album title, as some of the examples above have also done. I have added an outer glow for the album title as this connotates the name 'coming out of the shadows'.
5) To make the artist seem more well known, and then more realistic to have a double page spread, I made the editorial decision to add a 5 star rating from the NME on the album cover, and a reference to her NO.1 single. I also made the editorial decision to have the 'stars' as hearts instead as I thought that would link quite nicely with her signature font for her name, as it has a heart for the dot of the 'i'.
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This is the finished album cover, which I plan to feature somewhere in my double page spread. |
Monday, 14 November 2011
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Starting to create my contents page.
Photo slideshow customized with Smilebox |
Editing in iphoto:
Once in Photoshop:
I edited the chosen photo even further, by using a filter and also adjusting the brightness and contrast. As I had decided to retouch and cover up the lettering at the top of the guitar, I used the same font as the name of the magazine on the front cover to use as a title for the contents page. After looking at other music magazines I realised that rarely do they actually have the title of 'Contents', so instead I decided to use 'In this issue'. I made the font white by using the magic wand tool, and the paint bucket and then used free transform and the rectangle tool to adjust the size and placement of the text to my liking. I made the top line of text slightly bigger as the photo was taken from a certain angle, to make it look like it is actually printed on the guitar itself.
I wanted the contents page to be coherent with what I've done so far on the front cover, so the editing i've used has tried to mimic the editing used for the front cover. I also used the same guitar that was used in the front cover, and the photos were taken in the same place that the chosen front cover photo was taken.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Options for my front cover image
After thinking about other music magazines front covers, I'm a bit concerned that my ideas so so are not conventional enough, and may not appeal to my target audience. So, the screen shot above shows the 3 current options for my front cover so far, I believe the cover on the far left may be more conventional but I'm interested to find out which my target audience will actually prefer. So, here I have also created another questionnaire (using a different website and software) and will collect the results and continue with the rest of my magazine to accommodate their opinions.

4 people completed this question, 2 of which said they preferred the front cover on the far left, and 2 said they preferred the font cover on the far right. But, saying this, the two that answered that preferred the one on the left either didn't elaborate on their decision and explain why, or they put a very simplistic explanation. Whereas, the two people who chose the third front cover were able to give a more detailed explanation on why they like it, and they both said that cover looked more like a professional music magazine than the other two options. So, from these results, I will continue to work on the third magazine front cover, which was my original front cover.
The making of my making of my front cover
Today I started to create my front cover of my music magazine, Tuner. I chose to use the photo on the left because I liked the plain wall for a background, as I thought it wouldn't distract from the model herself or the text that will surround her; I also liked how there's an acoustic guitar in the shot, which clearly portrays the genre of her music and also reflects part of the genre of my magazine (indie/rock); another reason I chose to use this photo was because there is a nice amount of space in the top left corner, which is where the conventional music magazine puts their name.
Once I had opened the photo in photoshop I began to edit it further, using filters and adjusting the light and contrast.
I also added my masthead and used the brush tool on a separate layer, which I placed behind the masthead itself. On this layer I used the star brush tool, on 2500px, to make it look like spray paint. I made the editorial decision to do this using bright colours, as to add lighten up the page.
Above is a picture of the text I was planning to use for my artists name, as large lettering on the front cover. But after fiddling about with various effects on photoshop and attempting to edit it to have the desired look, I'm struggling to achieve this, so therefore, I may reconsider using this font.
These are other fonts I could use instead:
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Sentence Functions:
- Declaratives- used to make a statement.
- Imperatives- used to give demands or instructions.
- Interrogatives- used to ask questions.
- Exclamatives- used to surprise.
To make my language more interesting I could use:
- Rhyme
- Alliteration
- Sibilance
- Assonance
- When the reader is reminded of another form of well known media or saying (e.g Boys r us).
I quite liked this font as it looked quite computerised and almost retro, which relates to my original idea for my masthead (mentioned and shown in my flat plan). What I dislike about this masthead is that its very bold for a whole word (a bold font like this may suit better for an acronym heading, such as NME). Another reason I don't think I'll use this masthead is because of the bold and all upper case font, I feel it connotates strength and power - so this may appeal to a male audience, rather than a mixed gender target audience that I wish to appeal to through my magazine.
I like this masthead as I feel the sharp, almost lightening like font would appeal to my audience that like the genre of rock, but on the other hand my genre of my music magazine is Indie/Rock, and I'm not sure that this masthead would appeal to my indie audience. Plus, once again it is all in upper case, which I feel could appeal more to a male audience instead of mixed.
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This is my chosen masthead. |
I really like this masthead. I feel the print like appearance and the black colouring would appeal to all of my target audience (rock and indie). I also made the editorial decision to have three of my letters (T, N, E) all in upper case, and the remaining two letters (u and r) in lower case, as I felt it made the masthead look more quirky which would appeal even further to my Indie target audience. This is the masthead that I will be using for my music magazine.
Reader profile - finished
This is my finished reader profile, which includes some of the results from my questionnaires, which 13 people in the target audience age range completed.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Reader profile - not yet finished
In the spaces to the left at the right of the blocks of images I am going to add the most interesting results from my questionnaires, my audiences likes/dislikes, and also their general demographics.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Response to flat plans
I asked my focus group to review my flat plans for my front cover, contents page, and double page spread and to read through the explanation below them to understand my thought processes behind the editorial decisions I have made so far. I encouraged them to give me as much contructive critism as possible, and to also tell me whether they liked any of my ideas, and if so, which ones. I feel it's important that I find out their opinions now, as I'm just about to begin the process of actually making my front magazine on photoshop.
conlusion with results.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.
conlusion with results.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Reader Profile Questionnaires
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.
I will get various people who fit into my target age group, of both genders, to complete these questionnaires which will help me create my reader profile.
I will get various people who fit into my target age group, of both genders, to complete these questionnaires which will help me create my reader profile.
NME Reader Profile
This is an example of an NME reader profile which is used by the advertisers to help them understand the target audience further of the music magazine. When making my own reader profile for my magazine 'Tuner' I will use NME's reader profile as a guideline for the layout and content.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Notes on the History of the Music Press
1950s - 1960s
Melody Maker (first published 1926)/ New Musical Express (first published 1952)
Everything was seen as 'good' - uncritical. Content was mainly gig listings and charts and singles.
The 60's saw the arrival of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. Drug culture changed the writing and the music writing.
Glam Rock (sweet, mud, slade, t rex) Prog Rock (pink floyd, emmerson lake, palmer, yes).
Music papers then began to be more critical as the bands spent more money on staging.
NME started to embrace punk in the mid-70's and began to talk about more serious topics such as politics, which began to drive away readers.
Smash hits launched a magazine for a younger audience.
Fashion and style magazines became popular.
New technologies available. Music videos were popular, changed way music was consumed. Launch of MTV was the first TV market for music videos.
Limited interest for music press. General pop stars and celebrities appear on television and general newspapers on a daily basis.
Music papers then began to be more critical as the bands spent more money on staging.
NME started to embrace punk in the mid-70's and began to talk about more serious topics such as politics, which began to drive away readers.
Smash hits launched a magazine for a younger audience.
Fashion and style magazines became popular.
New technologies available. Music videos were popular, changed way music was consumed. Launch of MTV was the first TV market for music videos.
Limited interest for music press. General pop stars and celebrities appear on television and general newspapers on a daily basis.
Notes on Youth Sub Culture powerpoint
There are lots of varying definitions for Youth Sub Culture, one of them is:
Postmodern view - Plenitude.
Grant McCracken thought otherwise-
There are lots of varying definitions for Youth Sub Culture, one of them is:
- 'A group of individuals who are united through a common value system and tastes (clothes, music, politics etc.)
- Indie/rock is the general sub culture for my music magazine audience.
- They would try and be different, and individual in almost any possible way, such as fashion.
- They would try to rebel against conformity.
- More neophile than traditional.
Postmodern view - Plenitude.
Grant McCracken thought otherwise-
- He thought that the postmodern world is full of diversity
- He says that if we look at wide range of values , and ideologies its impossible to generalise a people in groups and subcultures.
Postmodernity and subcultures is out of date as there is no mainstream but lots of different little streams. Therefore, is there is no such thing as mainstream, there is nothing for teenagers to rebel against - so what they do must be classed as there individual choices and actions.
Pop music industry targets youth subcultures by constructing pop stars and artists that appeal to specific audiences with specific values. The audiences are also unpredictable in regards to their interests, likes, and dislikes; this means that record companies can never really know how to target them.
Dyers star theory is that celebrities will represent certain values and will promote an ideology which their audience and fans will support and imitate as to be more like them and live a closer lifestyle to them.
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