After realising that I had just made the simple error of not saving my front cover as a JPEG image, I was able to simply and easily upload the picture onto iMovie and then onto Youtube where I could then add annotation. I much prefer this form of annotation, as I feel it is fairly easy and quick to read and also allows more space for the reader to see the picture (instead of having a small picture in the middle, surrounded by lots of annotation). I also feel that the reader would prefer it because the way I have annotated it is by using speech bubbles, which can point to the area of the magazine I am referring to, the reader can also pause the video at any stage in order to allow themselves more time to absorb and understand the annotation. Although, saying this, to improve on this form of annotation I would have made the video longer than 30seconds long, as it didn't provide a lot of time for each bit of annotation to appear, and be read, so it might be see as a little rushed.
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